Monday, April 7, 2008

Rainy days and Mondays...

It's already starting off to be a bad week. After a beautiful weekend filled with running around OUTSIDE - clever idea really - the weather is turning cold again. It's April for crying out loud - it should be nice out! I'm so tired of winter coats and if I have to drag out the snow pants and snow boots again I may go postal! I've put them away so if it snows again, I guess the boys are just going to freeze. Right now there's no snow, but it's windy and cloudy and will probably start raining any minute. Fantastic...
I was so tired this morning that I over slept and had very little time to get my kindergartener out the door for the bus. I hope he brushed his teeth! I sometimes feel like such a bad mom. I did manage to make him a lunch so he won't have to eat bbq beefies on a bun. Now I'm from the south and BBQ is my favorite, but what elementary school child wants that on a tray for lunch? What's on the menu for tomorrow - pork chops and spinach? His awesome mom made him a pb and j and some applesauce. Much better when you're six.
This morning I went outside (in the cold) to get the trash can and wheel it back into the garage. However, it was full. I looked around and everyone elses had been emptied. So, I went and called the "village" to find out why it wasn't picked up. "We did receive a call re: your can this morning. It seems that your recycling was less than 5 feet away from the can and the automatic lifter couldn't get it". ARE YOU KIDDING ME! Get out of the stupid truck! Honk the horn, do whatever you have to do so I don't have to smell the trash for another week! "I'm sorry, but we can't come back out and get the trash until next week - Thank you" CLICK! Another reason to hate this place. When we moved her we had the option to pick whom ever we wanted to pick up our trash. Now the "village" has decided to tax us more and decide for us who picks up the trash - or doesn't. Stupid. Government. Crap.
Thought for the week - It's Only just begun....

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