Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Let the Ranting Begin..

As I mentioned before this week did not get off to the best start. It hasn't gotten a lot better either. It went from 61 degrees to snowing in two days, I have a tooth ache (and am deathly afraid of the dentist), I look like Jared from Subway's before picture, and people here don't drive any better than they do it big cities and it ticks me off.
I'm trying to eat healthy (again). I try this over and over again. I do well for a week or so and then apparently say to hell with it. I don't know how to stay motivated and stick with it. I don't know how to say no to chocolate and yes to carrots (so stupid). I don't know why the size of my pants doesn't make me throw up. I feel confident I will have this conversation with myself again and again through the life of this blog. It just ticks me off!
Today I was driving home and almost got into two accidents. The first one I didn't see the driver in my blind spot. In my defense he had passed me several times. He was one of those drivers who would speed up and slow down so you never knew where he was. Totally not my fault. The second was because of a big truck - probably hauling milk or corn or something else Midwestern - going super slow and not letting people over. The van behind me almost hit me because we couldn't merge. Stupid corn truck. Stupid state and all their cows!
I live in Satans pants USA! I need 70 degree weather, a body that looks good in a bikini (or any bathing suit for that matter) and apparently a better attitude. How do I achieve that though - it's probably going to snow here again this weekend. It just makes me growl.

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