Monday, April 14, 2008

Bad Mom?

Ok, so I'm not the worlds best mother. I'll admit it. I often let the kids watch too much T.V., play video games and fight with knives. Well, maybe not too much T.V. I feel like I do the best I can with the little bit of patience I've been granted. I do try though. I bought some seeds for the boys to plant to grow me some yummy basil for summer that are still on the kitchen counter. I have art projects in the dining room that they could do. Also, if it would freakin warm up I would be more than happy to put my butt in a chair and watch them play outside. However, I still feel like a less than stellar mother - go figure.
I've been reading the blog of a friend of mine. She's a bit worried that she's been neglecting her children a bit with everything else she has going on. On the days where she's not being a "bad" mother she's driving around looking for flightless fruit flies to feed the baby bugs that have hatched in their habitat her girls built. Whatever earth mother. Come live at my house for a couple of days to make yourself feel better. I'll just keep reading your blog when I want to feel worse (p.s. if you're reading this I think your awesome and am totally jealous).
I love my boys. They are the light of my life and the reason for my being. They are smart, funny and talented little boys (except for the fact that the oldest can't blow up a balloon, but we're working on that). I would do anything for them that I could to make them happy and healthy. Today I spent an hour on the computer trying to be the first in "line" for some super cool summer school class that the oldest wants to take. Now that is what an awesome mom is all about right? Find a class you can send them too in the summer so they're not in your hair (I signed him up for 4 - he's a lot of work that 6 year old). I even blew up a balloon today so my youngest could hit it around the house. I know, I know I rock.
I'm hoping my lack of creativity and patience doesn't end up doing tons of harm to my sweet little boys. I hope I don't have to carry them to therapy because their mom didn't buy their pet bug fruit flies. I hope they grow up to be strong, independent children aside from the fact that their mommy is beyond pathetic.
Tomorrow we will try and tackle the basil - I'm totally hungry for a cucumber and basil salad now :)

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