Monday, August 4, 2008


I am totally being punished for something mean that I've done in the past. Maybe it's because I dislike most people - you know the ones that won't get out of the way, the slow minded people in the check out line, the rude people that think they own the freaking world. Or maybe it's because I talk hateful about living in Satan's Pants and regardless of how much I hate it apparently the other 200,000 or so people seem to like it. Regardless, if I have to feel barfy and exhausted one more day the next slow poke in front of me at the grocery store (you know the one's that apparently have NEVER been to a grocery store before) will have to listen to my high pitched, whiny screech of a voice (this is according to my equally sweet sister - I believe I have a great voice with an awesome hint of southern hospitality).
I am a generally good person. I do charity work, I volunteer all the time, I'm nice to my family and even to my husbands family. I feed and clothe my children and even fix meals from time to time. Today at the grocery store an older lady asked me to drive her rascal back into the store for her. SERIOUSLY! Luckily I couldn't figure out how to drive it. I would have been mortified for anyone I remotely know to see me drive into the store. I nicely told her I couldn't start it and I would go into the store and send someone out to get it. She said "thanks dear"... Also, even though I'm pregnant I don't take the "Reserved for Expected Mothers" spot yet. I've left them for the lucky brats that only have a couple more weeks to go.
I realize that I have a bit of an attitude problem and I'm pretty quick to let everyone know what I think, but do I really need to be punished with being barfy 4-EVA? I don't think so. If anyone has a suggestion to end nausea I will gladly take it and try it. I'm 15 weeks - I should be nesting not laid up on the couch in my blue terry cloth bathrobe.
By the way, I totally saw someone the other day in one of the hideous shirts that had the arrow pointing to her huge belly that said something witty like daddy's boy or something equally as poetic. So stupid (yes, damnit I realize this may be why I have no friends and feel like crap. Get out of my grill will ya).


dpsunshine said...

I have a very good friend who had Hyperemesis (very severe morning sicknesss) for her entire first pregnancy - she was actually in the hospital all the time. I don't know why, but she decided to get pregnant again years later (against her doctor's advice), and had the same problem. The second time around though, they had her take Dramamine - which helped her a lot. Maybe you could check with your doctor to see if you could take Dramamine? Good luck - hope you feel better soon!

Peaches and Cheese said...

I have an appointment next week so I'll ask about the dramamine. I wouldn't have thought of that - thanks for the info :)

Tiffany said...

I really hope you feel better soon. I was nauseous with Joe and it's just miserable. Do you always get this sick? I hope it passes soon.