Sunday, February 8, 2009

Catch up

I know I've been a horrible blogger lately. I'll be honest - I'm too tired and don't really have anything interesting to tell ya'll about. However, I'm sure you all want to hear how life with three little boys is going so I'll fill you in:
Caboose had jaundice. He had to be put on a "billy blanket" to cure him of the ailment. Also, he wasn't gaining weight even though he was eating quite regularly. We had to run a lot of tests to figure out what was going on. End result - no one knows. Now it's only going to cost me $500 for the doctors to "practice medicine".
Last week I had the stomach flu. Yes, having the stomach flu with two young boys and an infant is super fun. I would have rather gone through labor again - true story. I'm truly thankful that I was the only one here to get sick. The only thing worse that being sick is having to clean up everyone else's sick.
I haven't slept much. Caboose thinks it's more fun to sleep all day and eat all night. We've had battles with gas keeping him up so my new best friend is the gas drop. He eats like a piggy every 2.5 hours at night and I'm exhausted. The only thing that makes all this worse is when he decides it's a good idea to tinkle on me while I'm half asleep trying to change his diaper. However, it's very rewarding when he's full and happy and has a slight grin on his face as he lays in his cradle and sleeps (I guess at least one of us is happy).
Other than all this and two other children who are trying my patients things here in Satan's Pants are sunshine and rainbows. Right now we're all just thinking spring and hoping the groundhog was wrong last week when he saw his shadow.

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