Monday, February 16, 2009

Things I've realized today:

I know it's been a while since I've posted. However, since I'm in a semi decent mood today I thought I would grace you with my brattiness. Why only semi decent you ask? Because: 1) I haven't slept since sometime during the second trimester 2) It's cold as crap - again and I've had quite enough 3) keep reading...
1) I love my new school bus. It's not really a school bus but it's a awfully large and in charge brand spankin' used mini-van. This is my third. I know some of you are saying "ewww" but really it's heaven. It's a bit roomier than my last van ( I know, hard to belive) and all the doors open with the push of a button. My first van I had to open all the doors myself - the horror, and my last one only one opened with a button. This monstrosity has three doors that open. I don't have to lift a freaking finger. And why should I have to?
I know you're thinking that I have to be too cool for a mini-van and you would be right. I should be trekking around in a boat sized SUV like all the other super cool mommies, but I have a hard time parking vehicles and I've wrecked my fair share of cars. So, driving around in a boat is not an option. Not to mention that paying for the gas in one of those these days is ridiculous. So, I have to settle with being cool in a mini-van. I can totally pull that off because I'm awesome.
2)The infant loves country music! Caboose is a gassy mess and there is nothing I can do for him in the middle of the highway so, we try the loud music trick to "soothe" him - aka - stop the insanity. Today, George Strait calmed him down. So, George is my hero. He's always been one of my hero's - watch Pure Country and he'll be one of yours too with "All the Smoke and the Lights".
3) I don't like grocery shopping during the geriatric hour. I'm not trying to be ugly - I enjoy older people. I hope to be an older person someday that gets to hang out at the grocery store and drive the youngsters crazy. However, there is just no reason to block the aisles and not move. Meemaw and Peepaw need to keep on going. Also, if you insist on driving around the grocery store in your Rascal then at least put the pedal to the metal and get moving! Just because you have all day to hang out and visit with old friends at the local grocery store, I don't. I have babies to feed and pre-schoolers to pick up and TV to watch. Cold Case Files is not going to watch itself people!
4) Just because you're a fancy store does not mean that I want to pay your stupid inflated prices. I went to a baby shower this weekend. The mommy to be received a lot of cute gifts that I thought caboose would enjoy. So I stopped by the store she registered at today to possibly pick one or two up for the baby. However, the prices were so unbelievable high for a dang rattle that I decided he could live without them. While I was there though the owner was having a meeting and talking about how the economy was hurting everyone. Here's a tip buddy - lower your prices and people will buy your products. Satan's Pants has very few kid stores and if you would come off your high horse we'd stop shopping at Target and Wal-Mart and give hoity toity a chance.
That's it for today - baby is screaming. Need to find some more George...

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