Thursday, February 26, 2009

40 daisies daisies...

It is officially Lent. That may not mean anything to some of you but to someone living in Satan's Pants, AKA home of Catholics (which almost makes me feel bad for typing Satan's Pants right before Catholics but whatever) that means time for Ash Wednesday, Friday Fish and a 40 day "sacrifice".
Ash Wednesday was yesterday. On Ash Wednesday and every Friday between now and Good Friday Catholics like TC are not suppose to eat meat - only vegetarian dishes and fish. TC and his family thinks this is quite fun - I find it annoying. I didn't grow up Catholic - Lutheran actually - but when I go out to lunch or dinner on a Friday I don't need ugly eyes on me because I want a juicy burger and not a piece of lake perch. Gag. I don't really find it that super fun to order up a fried piece fillet o' yuck just because everyone else grew up Catholic. I get the symbolism - but I think it's silly. Whatever floats your boat I guess - HA!
Last night TC asked the boys what they were giving up for Lent. He explained to them that God gave up his son for us and to show gratitude we give up something during Lent. Of course little bit said poop (everything is poop) but the older child sat at the table and proceeded to cry. He did NOT want to give up anything. I found this ridiculous and typical. It's not like anyone expects him to give up food and water for 40 days or talking (all though that's not a bad thought). I mean an after school snack or a toy or something would be fine. First he decided he would give up the Wii. After thinking about that for approx. 2 minutes he changed his mind. No way is he giving up his Mario Cart Racing for 40 days. He's now settled on his after school snack. However, when he gets home this afternoon I'm sure we'll have waterworks when he's hungry. I'll give him an opportunity to change it again - but then it has to stick or I'll decide for him. As far as my now middle child, poop probably won't work. I'm not sure what TC is giving up but I've apparently given up sleeping and showers. If that doesn't count there's always alligator wrestling and underwater basket weaving...
**I totally called it - the big one came home and said he was thirsty. I reminded him that he wasn't getting a snack because he had given them up for Lent. He was OK with it. Then about an hour later he came upstairs and was sneaking around in the kitchen - he snuck a granola bar and put it in his pocket. He was totally busted. Then about 2 seconds later the tears came and the I'm so hungry sob story started. He's thinking about a change...


Ingle Nook said...

I think I will give up underwater basket weaving too.

Tiffany said...

I'm giving up extreme sports. I always try but end up doing something extreme before the end of the 40 days! I just can't help it!
Poor kid--help him think of something that he can actually stick to. Maybe no baths? No broccoli? All green vegetables?