Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Ultrasound

Yesterday I had my ultrasound. I was super nervous. The first two times I was more concerned with the sex. I assumed the baby was fine and all we needed to know was if I needed to buy pink or blue. This time being older and wiser (stop laughing Jill) I knew there were more important things to be concerned with. Did my baby have downs, was there a spinal problem, was the brain formed and functioning... I was terrified. Thankfully everything looks great. Baby doesn't like to cooperate though to have measurements taken. Keeps putting hands to the face- go figure it's one of mine...
For those of you who are worried about my negativity you need not worry. I'm really not this pessimistic. I'm just sarcastic by nature and it may be coming across as negative. I do hate Satan's Pants - that's not negative it's pure fact. It can't be helped. I do find most people annoying. Again, just a characteristic I've always had. Get out of my way and we'll be fine. Stop in the middle of the mall and we'll have problems. And no, I don't enjoy being pregnant. I'm not sure what crazy person actually does (and if you say "oh, I did" then you're the crazy one not me). You're sick, fat and ugly - what is there to like. However, if I didn't enjoy the outcome I wouldn't do it. The negativity regarding pregnancy washes away as soon as baby is sleeping through the night - kidding.
Now back to being me - the appointment yesterday was HORRIBLE. The ultrasound was great. The technician was hilarious and I enjoyed laying in a dark room with nothing to do except watch my baby swim for an hour. After the appointment is when it got bad. The last time I had a baby I had him at the same hospital. I had my ultrasound and the doctor came in and said everything looked fine and we left. Since I figured this is what would happen again I asked my husband to stick around with me to make sure. The nurse took us to a room to wait for the doctor and then - SHE MADE ME WEIGH IN!!!!!!!!! What kind of crap was that! My weight is a closely guarded secret. It's never uttered. The Pentagon should look into hiring me I've kept this secret so tight. I screamed at my husband to get out. I tried to have the tiny nurse to physically remove him from the room. She wouldn't - bratness. It took a lot of begging to get me on the scale. She promised she wouldn't let him look and promised not to even tell me (I have no idea what I weigh or how much I've gained and unless it gets out of hand one way or the other I prefer to keep it under wraps). TC was flabbergasted with my behavior. Seriously? I thought I was quite myself. After the weigh in debacle she had the nerve to want to take my blood pressure. After that fiasco I would have assumed it had just shot through the roof. It was actually fine. She however probably slipped the doctor a note letting him know his next patient needed to be admitted - soon.
***By the way - we still don't need to buy any pink *** the caboose is a precious baby boy!***


Ingle Nook said...

Yeah! Another sweet little guy! Congrats.

Tiffany said...

Congrats on your baby boy! He will be in good company with your other two.

Grammy said...

So happy about the news of another baby boy.. I bet his brothers are excited.
Maybe Ricky or David would be a really good name for the little caboose!

Peaches and Cheese said...

You can't fool me - you probably had this info before I did :) Nana has a system - find out info and then speed dial Ricki. I know your game :)
Love you!

mkfergy said...

I am with you on the weight southern girls do not tell.
If you recall, I made mom and Jeff leave the room, while I was in labor so I could answer the weight question. They had to sit in the hall. Care...NO.

Baby Boy Caboose...choo choo