Thursday, September 4, 2008

Pitbulls with lipstick...

I never thought I would use this "rant" of a blog to discuss politics. People tune in to read about how much I hate Satan's Pants, how when I drink I'm a rock star and how happy I am that my children went back to school. However, right now I have some ranting to do regarding politics and I wanted to share with you.
First, I am not here to push my politics on you. You are entitled to your opinion or lack of one. You can choose to vote for whom ever you feel will run this country the best and will be the best president for the people. If you want to know my opinion I will tell you. However, I will not push it on you and don't want yours pushed on me. If your not comfortable talking about politics with me we can discuss how Brenda on 90210 2.0 looked rode hard and put up wet (just sayin...). If you want to tell me your opinion I will listen - I may disagree but I will listen. However, if you come at me with a stupid double standard or an idiot excuse I may get a bit Irish on you.
Regardless of my politics I enjoyed Sarah Palin's speech last night. I enjoyed the fact that she's feisty and seems to have her head on straight. What ticks me off are the people that say - "her voice is whiny", "she needs to concentrate on her family", or "she's a woman". These are the same people who were OK with Hillary's whiny voice, the lack of concentration from her on her family (hello Bill's cheated like 214 times) and again she's also a woman. Dislike Sarah Palin because you disagree with her views. Don't make up lame excuses because your ignorant. I guarantee if Hillary's daughter would have gotten pregnant at 17 it would have been A OK with the double standard people. However, since it's a Republican then she can't do her job well because she's failed at being a mother. Pish posh! You can raise your children to make good decisions and they may still go out and do something you don't agree with. Sarah Palin is standing by her daughter like a good mother should and that in turn will turn her daughter into a fine young woman/mother as well. Sometimes we're dealt hands we don't understand at the moment but end up being the biggest blessings. I'm pleased at how Sarah Palin is handing this. I would expect the same from Hillary if the shoe was on the other foot and I would hope that Republicans would back her up as well.
This idiot I was talking to the other day was obviously a Barack fan (that is not the reason he's an idiot). Anyway, he decided to tell me that he doesn't like Palin because she's a woman and women get PMS and you can't trust a woman running the country with PMS. GO TAKE A FLYING LEAP JACK ASS!!! That had to be the most obnoxious remark anyone has ever made. I've had PMS. It sucks. I've had cramps, been moody, cried like a baby and acted like a total bitch. However, never has it occurred to me to bomb Iran just because Aunt Flo's on her way. Whatever. So stupid...
I think the fact that Sarah Palin is a mom, a governor and an all around sharp lady makes her qualified for the job she is running for. If you don't think she's qualified then don't vote for her. Base your opinion on her politics not because she's a woman, mom, prone to getting her period, and has a pregnant teenage daughter.
That's it. Next time we'll talk about something festive like fact that you shouldn't be a mean mom and dress your child in beige socks with black tennis shoes. Just sayin...


Tiffany said...

I'm scared for you to read my blog. I may become the subject of your next rant or maybe I just was. :0) I actually really like Palin from what I've seen which is next to nothing. I need to get off my fat butt and do some research so that I actually know what these people stand for. So far, I'm not crazy about any of them but whatever. I'll get to it and make my decision before I go vote. I can assure you that I won't vote against her just because she is a woman.
I have to say that I love your blog. You and your fashion opinions and everything else--boy if you could see me on a daily basis I could be blog material for you from now to kingdom come.

Emily Jo said...

Well said! Really.

I snorted pop on my computer at the Brenda comment... Too funny!

Steph C. said...

Ok, I PROMISE I am not going to visit this subject again but I do want to say it does not make one ignorant to have different viewpoints
what everyone seemed to forget? The original post was about how she felt about a woman being the position of president NOT whether she was qualified. Only a few of us stuck to that went off into qualifications but that was not the intent of her original post.

By the way...LOVED your flying jackass comment...guess what, I be we'd really LIKE each other. ;) Even if we believe very different things...the key is can we keep the insults to a minimum just because we disagree? I can...

Peaches and Cheese said...

Hey Steph,
Thanks for commenting :) I was actually not commenting on Tiffany's blog. I actually wrote this before I read hers and this was re: something someone in my office said. I 100% agree that people are not ignorant for believing something different than I do - I just think the double standards blow. To the quack in the office everything that Sarah (we're on a first name basis now) said would have been A -OK coming from Hillary but since he's a democrat and dislikes republicans then he had a double standard. That's all. And the PMS guy, he's just a turd.

Steph C. said...

heehee, glad to hear it!