Saturday, September 13, 2008

Proper Mall Behavior

This morning the big ones flag football game was called off due to rain. Since he's not that in to anything athletic he was OK with missing out. We decided that instead of sitting around the house we would venture out of Satan's Pants and head south. TC had a test he was scheduled to take so we all went with and he dropped us at the "big" mall. This mall is usually awesome. It has my favorite stores, is clean and typically makes me happy. Today however, this was not the case.
I've haven't been this annoyed at a mall in a long time. First, it was so busy you would have thought it was Christmas at Perimeter mall in Atlanta. Second, the sales lady at Macy's was SO rude she should really be fired. I was going to make a purchase and she just walked away. Now I know I have two probably dirty children and I look a frumpy mess in my tacky maternity clothes, but come on. It was only Macy's for goodness sake! It's not like I was in my Target grubbies trying to buy shoes at Prada. It was MACY's. If I wasn't so tired I would send a tacky letter or email but after not even getting a coupon from Moe's I don't really see the point. Third, learn proper mall behavior. If you have to dig through your purse - step to the side. If you don't know where you're going - again step to the side. If your cruising for chicks or dudes do it some where other than the middle of the mall. If you don't have a stroller or a wheel chair don't take the elevator ESPECIALLY if the escalator is right beside it. There is no reason for 27 people to try and file in a tiny elevator when you could stand on the escalator and take a nice little ride up. I'm not asking you to run up the stairs. Just stand.
I know it's annoying to everyone else for a pregnant girl with a giant backside pushing a double stroller with a 7 year old lagging behind. However, I'm trying really hard to get where I'm going. I'm not going to stop in the middle of the aisle and have a lecture with my children or try and find my cell phone to make a call to their dad. When you have children you are usually on a mission. You need to get in, out and on with it. If you are at the mall to enjoy your day and spend as much time there as possible that is awesome. However, get out of the way. I swear I had a group of giggly girls stop right in front of me, take up the entire aisle and discuss if they wanted to go to Pottery Barn, Abercrombie or get a cookie. Do they really want me to plow them over with the Combi side by side? I think no - so move it or lose it bratness...
Other than that we had a nice day. We drove down and back in the rain, stopped at Trader Joe's (don't even get me started on that crazy place) and just enjoyed our day. We listened to the Georgia game on the radio (GO DAWGS!) which is always my favorite (NOT) and just had a lazy and rainy day. Sometimes that's just what you need.


Steph C. said...

Ha. I use the word Bratkiss! (close to bratness) Come here ya' little my OWN kids. Hmmm, they still love me!
Can't wait 'til you figure out like the rest of us did that music on a blog is SO distracting when trying to read interesting posts like YOU write. No, I am not blowing sunshine, you are a good writer though hopefully (and most likely) generally happier than you sound. Lol I know I know, this is YOUR blog and you can muzak if you want to...we all did it for awhile. I did enjoy the Leader of the Band...haven't heard that in years!

Peaches and Cheese said...

My mom thinks I should use my writing for good instead of negative. She thinks I should write children's books. Now those might be scary...I personally enjoy ranting my frustrations out. It's my free form of therapy (and no I'm not quite this miserable but I really do HATE Satan's Pants and come winter I will hate it more)